
Glenn Beck has pushed my FUCK YOU Button

It's been a too long while since my last post. So many ideas have fluttered past me. But something tonight has gone too far.

Glenn Beck, please don't blame the disorganized band of free thinking atheists for the fact stupid teachers make kids sing stupid songs about Barack Obama. The idiotic idolatry of any mortal man is not the fault of disbelief in God.

Hell, I think sometimes self-proclaimed atheists do substitute tangible icons and people for a notion of God, but just because some worship Obama doesn't mean it is the fault of atheism. Rather, it is the fault of the underlying human psychological need for faith and belief in something greater than themselves. That's right, the mental desire to love Obama or bow down to Jesus are one and the same.

And, come on, there are many religious people who are also absolutely in love with the man. So, please stop blaming atheists for weak minded folks who need a shepherd to follow. In my mind, idolizing Obama, God, Vishnu, celebrities, sports players, scientists, family or trees, is all the same. It does no good, it does no harm.

And PLEASE stop saying that disapproving of mounting the 10 commandments in a court ='s thinking they are invalid ideas. If you think that it's very godless, I'll get the eight-fold path and the Islamic Prohibitions and put 'em up too. I just don't think there's room for any of them. We don't need the 10 fucking commandments, or prohibitions, or the sayings of 8-armed goddesses when we have FUCKING LAWS. LAWS, GODDAMNIT.

That's all. I think.
