
The McCain Partisanship Hubub

Something happened recently that reminded me of something that really grinds my gears. Really rips out my eyes. It has to do with partisan fuckery.

John McCain (disgruntled old man who, after losing a recent political election, flew away to South America in a house attached to balloons) has come out and said that his former opponent has "done well" in office:
"Sen. John McCain says his opponent in last year's presidential campaign, Barack Obama, has 'done well' in his first five months in the White House."
Here's a video.

Now, I don't really care what McCain thinks. Or what many people think. I'm still holding my judgment of Obama for myself. The funny thing isn't the news itself, because this isn't really news, but rather people's anonymous reactions as embodied in comments on articles about this, because it seems that John has dug a little hole for himself. Meaning, everyone now hates McCain. Left wing comments included calling John McCain a "mental midget compared to the genius of Obama."
Whereas, on the right, people are calling McCain a turncoat of sorts.
"That's exactly why McCain lost the election. He's almost as liberal as the radical liberals. Cub got it right... there were TWO Democrats running for the Presidency. McCain is a RINO and I wish he'd just go away or STFU."
from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jun/21/mccain-obama-has-done-well/comments/
Isn't it just silly? Reading these has just reminded me of my main frustration with the presentation of certain candidates. To some people, John McCain is too liberal and will be socialist evil man taking away our guns or some stupid shit like that. To others, he will be a war mongering conservative dick only interested in making money.

So everyone's hated him for a while, for opposite reasons. Like, since the election. Here's an old post:
"In many states it now rings popular to call oneself a conservative, even if one truly resembles a liberal. As with any popular movement, dilution occurs, opportunists blow with the wind, and pretenders abound. John McCain is one of these pretenders. He is a leftist in disguise, using his popularity and charisma to masque his liberal leanings. In reality, McCain resides as far to the Left as John Kerry. Anyone who thinks otherwise deludes himself."
And from the other side, leftist celebrities like Susan Serandon and Seal had threatened to leave the country if McCain won.

With so many... different reactions to the man, it's hard to really know what to think. Maybe, because everyone hated him, he would've been a good choice? Nah. I'll stick with the vote I made. But still... some on the left said he'd be like George Bush, some on the right compare him to John Kerry. People have stopped judging candidates on their merits, and on an individual basis, but rather on which party or candidate they resemble. What the fuck does it mean to be "too liberal"? Or "too conservative"? Nothing in the end. Unfortunately, with this... duality... and two-party system we have... it's going to be very difficult to just vote for the candidate we think is the best. There is no real possibility for middle ground, and people are going to want to live in extremes.

Oh well.

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